A fast-penetrating lotion that moisturizes every corner of the stratum corneum for inner dry skin. Moisture and nutrient-rich ingredients are smoothly absorbed into the skin and stored, leading to hydrated and firm, lustrous and radiant skin. Formulated with Aetās' original rapid penetration Beauty Core Rocket (BCR)™: capsules that are smaller than the pores and consist of alternating layers of water and oil that mimic the structure of the skin, in order to deliver nutrients such as minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy skin to every corner of the skin.
This is a super light serum that would probably be best for hot climates.
The Aetas The Lotion serum is a lovely hydrating serum backed up by science! Makes me feel like I have an extra layer of protection on my skin.
A nice fresh product that feels more like a toner than a serum or lotion, as labeled on the bottle. I applied it with a cotton pad since it was more liquid like, but it wasn’t clear how to apply it or what to expect of it since the bottle was not translated into a language I know.
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