A luxury Organic cleansing oil, rich in Omega-7 (the 'Beauty Omega), Squalene and potent phytosterols that protect skin cells, moisturise and support cellular health. Macadamia is an Australian Indigenous plant that is exceptionally high in the rare Omega-7. Sometimes called the 'Beauty Omega' and found also in Sea Buckthorne Oil, Omega-7 increases the synthesis of elastin and collagen, proteins that keep skin strong and healthy, and reduces the onset of wrinkles. Macadamia helps to restore the skin's natural omega balance, protecting skin cells and supporting cellular health. It contains high amounts of squalene and oleic acid that assist with cell regeneration.
Fight the signs of aging with eye care products that work
Discover your home spa experience with clean beauty face masks you’ll adore
Cleansing, pore reducing, hydrating and anti-aging, this is your guide to natural toners