Introducing NEW! BEST-SELLING, plastic-reducing, naturally formulated SHAMPOO SOAP BARS. Hair bars for every hair type, including: DRY, NORMAL, or OILY. After months of studying, certifications, and many formulations! We are proud to unleash our environmentally-friendly haircare recipes! Every ingredient chosen, serves a specific hair annoyances: NORMAL SHAMPOO: filled with golden, jojoba oil to help feed hair & scalp back to happy. Scented using lavender & mint essential oils. Enjoy, naturally cleansed, residue free, easy to comb hair. With a bonus whiff of aromatherapy. (All soaps are palm-oil free & contain only high quality essential oils) Choose from our bagged gift-packaging or our eco-friendly option: Raw
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Discover the products that stole the show and set the bar high for natural, harm-free beauty products. Here's to a brig…